is Emerging Technology?
New technologies that are currently developing or will be developed over the next five to ten years, and which will substantially alter the business and social environment. These include information technology, wireless data communication, man-machine communication, on-demand printing, bio-technologies, and advanced robotics.
Impacts of a particular emerging technology depends upon which type of technology is introduced, when and where? Broadly categorizing different impacts of emerging technlogies on society ,we can make few assumptions to understand its implications.
Impacts of a particular emerging technology depends upon which type of technology is introduced, when and where? Broadly categorizing different impacts of emerging technlogies on society ,we can make few assumptions to understand its implications.
Responce of public towards an
emerging technology depends considering following aspects:
We must take the fact into consideration that in which type
of society are we going to introduce our new technology. Introduction of a new
invention is always accompanied by deniels .Although having major advantages ,
the technology or the invention can face lots of criticism if the public is not
well aware of it, or they previously may have many or some wrong perceptions
regarding it.e.g Use of pigs or other animals to produce diabetis medicine
using genetic engineering in areas where people ethically dont like to
slaugther or kill animals to extract the precursors or where people are
restricted by their religion to not to use animal products, or people may be
uneducated and not well aware of the methods of genetic engineering. As a
scientist we must take the layman’s approach or thinking in to consideration
before we introduce a new technology. Society will accept the emerging
technology if it according to their morals, ethics and religion and would
change a bit accordingly.
There are certain moral and ethical
issues like having Test tube babies and abortions or super kids.Even now many
liberal countries still oppose the introduction of such technologies that play
with the nature.e.g the use of GM food
(genetically modified food) is banned in Europe although they are ever heading fast
towards new research and developments.
Secondly, it is important to understand the neccessity of a
particular technology in a particular area.e.g. introduction of highly equiped
cars and vehicles in remote areas where you cannot find road.or introduction of
genetically modified food for areas having rich agricultural lands and high
rates of cultivation would completely be a waste and peolple would consider it
useless to spend their money on things which donot benefit them. People would
accept the new technology if it is beneficient for them.
Previously and even now ,having new model cars and mobiles
and branded handbags just define a status symbol instead of necessity of
particular things. Most people would go for new or emerging technology if they
can afford it because it would mark them as rich or liberal and many people can
go for it if the emerging technology
demand a broadminded society to be implemented.
Effects of emerging technology on
Positive aspects:
The story of the compass is a compelling one for
understanding the extent of the impact of a technological advancement on
society. The discovery of the compass in China did not necessarily influence
the trade there as much as it did around the Mediterranean shores. Regardless,
the compass box of Amalfi incorporated centuries of know-how gathered about the
winds of the Mediterranean Sea, and then helped the traders to sail year-round
instead of waiting for calmer weather. This technological marvel helped Amalfi
to flourish, although briefly. Venice
struck gold with the compass, and became a formidable maritime power for three
centuries. This explains how a single minute invention helps build a new
direction for betterment of society only depending how , where and when to use.
Genetically modified food was introduced to suppliment the
ever rising demmand of food for the third world countries where any other .Although
after being ethically and religiously denied in some countries GM foods are now
gaining attention and changing the mind set of many societies where over coming
the demand of hunger is their biggest struggle. Although still emerging this
technology is now gaining attention worlwide but it will help society to likely
attain and move towards new directions to seek new ways out.
Negative aspects:
technologies effect people of all ages and genders. All the possessions of a
person whether of a child ,toddler ,
teenager, adult or an oldman have now transformed to modern looks and
mechanisms that define a particular status different from the previous or old
ones. Introduction of new technology is always determined towards improving the
lifestyle of general public either by facilitating them with new innovations or
by overcoming their particular needs.The problems arises when these emerging
technologies are handled by evil minds who either work for their benefits or
plan to destroy others. Introduction of new technology demads a change in the
mind set of public.
Emerging technologies become a neccesity for future applications.e.g
societies get dependent on certain technologies or they start being exploited
by companies ,where the company owners then introduce such initiatives e.g rise
in price ,low quality products which benefit the company only and then they play
with the public like masters of puppets.
As robotics and artificial intelligence develop further, even many
skilled jobs may be threatened. Technologies such as machine learning may ultimately allow computers to do many
knowledge-based jobs that require significant education. This may result in
substantial unemployment at all skill levels, stagnant or falling wages for
most workers, and increased concentration of income and wealth as the owners of
capital capture an ever larger fraction of the economy. This in turn could lead
to depressed consumer spending and economic growth as the bulk of the
population lacks sufficient discretionary income to purchase the products and
services produced by the economy.
First of all, we must think what kind of technology are we
introducing, either is it is a neccessity or just a sort of new excitement for
the public. Introduction of nuclear technology is a big question mark which was
introduce to defend a nation or improve defence abilities of a country for protection
from any sort of attacks but nowmany countries use it to threaten other small and weak
countries to impart their strength.
Taking example of internet , you can
browse and find any sort of date in fraction of seconds by just opening your
laptops , you can stay connected to the rest of the world.but it contains
certain matrial which can be used by dirty minds to turn evil. Computers and
mobiles were introduced to save our time, but now many people use them to waste
their valuable time unknowingly . Quoting Collste: “The uses of computers give
rise to many moral problems: Is it morally wrong to copy computer programs?
Some would say –it is to steal another‟s property. But –some would object –this
protection of property rights will prevent the “have nots” ,i.e. those who lack
the economic resources needed to get hold of the programes-and there are many
such in today‟s world-to take advantage of the new technology. Which is more
important: property rights or social equality?” Is it morally right to gain
unauthorized access to information that governments or companies want to hide?
Of course not –some would say –these agencies have the right to protect certain
important information. But ------others might reply –isn‟t the free flow of
scientific and political information without restrictions a necessary condition
for an open and democratic society?
Impact of Nanotechnology
on society:
There is no doubt that nanotechnology is a significant
“emerging technology” with many potential benefits, along with avoidable,
unavoidable and questionable adverse effects. If mankind can master the
principles of nanotechnology, and build structures at an atomic scale, they can
manipulate matter and genes and control the progress of cells. As a scientist
it is my responsibilty to introduce the possible advantages to layman or public in oder to impart the
role of nanotechnlogy which can be briefly summarized as:
Researchers are developing customized nanoparticles the
size of molecules that can deliver drugs directly to diseased cells in your
body. When it's perfected, this method should greatly reduce the damage
treatment such as chemotherapy does to a patient's healthy cells. Electronics
Nanotechnology holds some answers for how we might
increase the capabilities of electronics devices while we reduce their weight
and power consumption.
Nanotechnology is having an impact on several aspects of
food science, from how food is grown to how it is packaged. Companies are
developing nanomaterials that will make a difference not only in the taste of
food, but also in food safety, and the health benefits that food
Nanotechnology is being used to reduce the cost of
catalysts used in fuel cells to produce hydrogen ions from fuel such as
methanol and to improve the efficiency of membranes used in fuel cells to
separate hydrogen ions from other gases such as oxygen.
Solar cells
Companies have developed nanotech solar cells
that can be manufactured at significantly lower cost than conventional solar
Companies are currently developing batteries
using nanomaterials. One such battery will be a good as new after sitting on
the shelf for decades. Another battery can be recharged significantly
faster than conventional batteries.
Nanotechnology may hold the key to making
space-flight more practical. Advancements in nanomaterials make lightweight
spacecraft and a cable for the space elevator possible. By significantly
reducing the amount of rocket fuel required, these advances could lower the
cost of reaching orbit and traveling in space.
Nanotechnology can address the shortage of
fossil fuels such as diesel and gasoline by making the production of fuels from
low grade raw materials economical, increasing the mileage of engines, and
making the production of fuels from normal raw materials more efficient.
Nanotechnology can improve the performance of
catalysts used to transform vapors escaping from cars or industrial plants into
harmless gasses. That's because catalysts made from nanoparticles have a
greater surface area to interact with the reacting chemicals than catalysts
made from larger particles. The larger surface area allows more chemicals to
interact with the catalyst simultaneously, which makes the catalyst more
Nanotechnology is being used to develop
solutions to three very different problems in water quality. One challenge is
the removal of industrial wastes, such as a cleaning solvent called TCE, from
groundwater. Nanoparticles can be used to convert the contaminating chemical
through a chemical reaction to make it harmless. Studies have shown that this
method can be used successfully to reach contaminates dispersed in underground
ponds and at much lower cost than methods which require pumping the water out
of the ground for treatment.
Side by side this emerging technology is
accompanied with lot of risks and threat including:
have been shown to be absorbed in the livers of research animals and even cause
brain damage in fish exposed to them after just 48 hours. If they can be
taken up by cells, then they can enter our food chain through bacteria and pose
a health threat like mercury in fish, pesticides in vegetables or hormones in
meat. The increasingly-popular carbon nanotube (20x stronger and lighter
than steel) looks very much like an asbestos fiber – what happens if they get
released into the air? Being carbon-based, they wouldn’t set off the
usual alarms in our bodies, making them difficult to detect.
nanomaterials really are as strong as diamonds, how decomposable or persistent
are they? Will they litter our environment further or present another
disposal problem like nuclear waste or space litter? In the distant
future, will self-replicating nanobots – necessary to create the trillions of
nanoassemblers needed to build any kind of product – run amok, spreading as
quickly as a virus, in the infamous “gray goo” scenario?
As products shrink in size, eavesdropping
devices too can become invisible to the naked eye and more mobile, making it
easier to invade our privacy. Small enough to plant into our bodies,
mind-controlling nanodevices may be able to affect our thoughts by manipulating
of terrorists go hand in hand with military advances, so as weapons become more
powerful and portable, these devices can also be turned against us.
Nanotech may create new, unimaginable forms of torture – disassembling a person
at the molecular level or worse. Radical groups could let loose
nanodevices targeting to kill anyone with a certain skin color or even a
specific person.
With all the
potential abuses of nanotech, many experts advocate a strong system to regulate
and monitor nanotech developments. But because nanotech laboratories can
be small and mobile, surveillance needs to be practically everywhere –
devolving a free society into a Big Brother scenario. Also, what is the
impact on the economy? If nations can make anything they want, will they
lose all incentive to trade? What about morality – should we be playing
with god-like powers?
Considering all these
factors ,we can conclude that every emerging technology has its own pros and
cons. Emerging technologies effect all ages and all genders of society
differently. We cannot collectively define the impact of an emerging technology
as a whole , but what really matters is how we allow a particular technology to
be engaged in our lifes. As a scientist it is my responsibility to impart the
positive aspects of nanotechnology to general public but side by side awareing
people about the threatening effects is my moral duty.
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