
Yet Another time waste!

Have you ever suffered from the agony of the awful morning show music/noise.

The vast growing culture of morning shows on each TV channel is soon going to give our society a drastic change.  Same timing, same content, same style .
Although giving a pleasure time for the house hold ladies in the morning, day by day morning shows are losing their aesthetic sense and creating nonsense in our society.

Previously , my mom use to get up early and complete all her household chores before we use to get home from school. Now tell me how can a woman not waste those 3-4 hours by watching continuous irritating and useless transmission.
Beginning from the shadian season every morning.
Previously in the morning our family use to listen to the Qirat on Pakistan Television , followed by a cartoon of 20 minutes and inspiring interviews of some prominent personalities. Alas now our day starts with a song and this goes on for journey of 3 hours.

Perhaps the real purpose of these shows now is to sell brands, like clothing, event management, beauty parlour, cosmetics , cooking utensils, and so and so,,,,,,,!

They are developing a not so positive attitude in the society by telling people how to extravagantly spend your money on a 3 day event. This in turns distresses those audience who cannot afford such a lifestyle.

On the other hand, they give charity,,,,,,! Openly with the names of the donor. Though charity is good, Our religion tells us to do charity in silence,,,.

People tell their personal stories live on television . Host ask a saas and a bahu to fight in front of all just to create some kind of stupid humour. A wife is ask to tell about  husband’s most embarrassing situation or their love affairs.  The host questions as to how many kids a couple has? And sometimes they even ask WHY?
These pity things on television are just giving a bad image of how our culture is in real. They are encouraging people to do things against Islam. They are playing Indian songs and sometimes following their traditions of godh bharai and mehndi mayon.  Instead of raising questions which are challenging our society so much they would rather prefer to fritter away their and most importantly public’s time.

Another point to catch the attention of  audience,which the morning show makers think is by introducing some prominent personalities who what so ever may be outrageous.
Sometimes audience sitting in the set are asked to join for some kind of activity or competition, which in turns make them wild and shameless just for the sake of some Branded Dress or Lawn.
The most annoying thing in the morning shows the attitude of the Host, who think themselves as the supreme leader and head of all and brutally talk with the audience sitting there and on the telephone.

 The worst part is the fake marriage of TV stars , with fake participants , with their fake family. They are all scripted but look at their confidence, they were ,are and will continue to do such shameful acts unless an action taken by PEMRA.


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